
Thursday, July 21, 2016

And then I watched him sleep....

 I watch him sleep.  My little warrior.  An achiever and overcomer already at such a young age.  The first five months of his life were spent as a NICU baby.  I talked today with one of his NICU speech pathologists about how precarious those first five months of his life were.  He defied odds, battled infections, and had to have surgeries for problems that should have taken his life..... but this little one, my gift from God, has a purpose.  He was born into this world at an age that is often considered "not compatible with life", yet he fought... and he lives with an energy that never stops.  At the age of two my special boy underwent a life-changing (life-saving) brain surgery, again defying so many odds.  This my world.  Gabriel, truly my angel, doesn't know how to have a bad day.  He giggles and smiles.  He laughs and plays.  He loves with all of his heart.  

Why do I say all of this?  Because, just today, I spent a lot of time and energy feeling sorry for myself because of the craziness of the past 17-weeks and the craziness of yet another infection... I spent a lot of time being frustrated.  I spent a lot of time trying to "figure it out".  I wasted a lot of precious moments today.  

And then I watch him sleep.  He is so peaceful.  He kissed me before bed, patted my arm, and told me he loved me.  I asked him if he knew how much I loved him.  He said, "Bigger than the sky, forever, mommy".  Oh, my child..... THAT is an understatement!!! 

I watch him sleep.  I think about how much he has overcome, how he has struggles, and yet it never gets him down.  He isn't sad because he has scars.  He doesn't pout that he has to wear a leg brace and a hand brace.  He isn't bothered because he has a g-tube.   He doesn't sit and cry because he is frustrated with his "weaknesses"...he has made them his strengths.  His scars tell a story... A story of an incredibly strong child!   I think of the struggles that realistically my child will have his entire life....but he is happy.  He is loved....and gives love freely.  He will wake up in the morning with a smile and a ton of energy.  

Today I had a hard day....and then I watched him sleep.