
Monday, March 18, 2013

The simple things (and other stuff)

Such a simple thing.  Fresh strawberries, rinsed, then sliced into a bowl and sprinkled with a dash of Truvia sweetener.  The fresh, cool berry kissed with just the perfect amount of sweetness and a hint of tartness.  I actually smiled as I sat and ate my late night snack.  Sometimes it is about learning (or relearning) to appreciate the simple things. 

It is unconceivable in some ways that my sweet love has been in heaven for five weeks.  It seems like just yesterday that God gave us the grace to say goodbye....for now.  I have learned so much already and am so thankful that God is by my side every step of the way.  Some lessons have been hard.  Some lessons have been confusing.  Some lessons will take time to master.  Some lessons have helped me by purging negative things and people from my life....  Those lessons have actually been pretty rewarding.  I can only pray that I honor God each step of the way and that I can be a blessing to someone else by what I learn.

Today was another wonderful day at church.  I am so blessed by the church family God has given me.  I seem to cry or tear up at least once each service.  This morning was no different as Matthew sang an amazingly beautiful song during the morning service.  My awesome friend, Amber, who has such a sweet, sensitive spirit, is always so wonderful about knowing just the things to say or do, even if it is just holding my hand while I cry through the song - like she did this morning.  It really was comforting to my heart!  See, the simple things (comforting by just holding a hand or being there for someone) can really be amazing! 

Well, Team Mark will be the next missionary team going to Ireland in October of 2014!!!  I am so very excited about this!  What a way to honor Mark's legacy by having a missions trip in his honor!  I will tell more about this as time goes on.

I had a lot of thoughts rumbling and rolling around in my head; however, the muscle relaxer that I took earlier seems to have relaxed my brain too - either that or it dissolved my ingenuity!  The thoughts are garbled and the brain (and body) are actually tired.  Maybe I will actually get a few hours sleep tonight!

There are so many people who continue to keep my sweet Kyle and I in their prayers.  I am so grateful for that.  Never doubt the power of prayer!  I can truly say that the prayers and love and encouragement of so many has made an amazing difference during this journey!  I appreciate the continued prayers.... they are still so needed as we continue our journey!

Well, goodnight to all! 

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