
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Everyone has a story....

Everyone has a story, but I want to create a story worth telling!

I started thinking about this yesterday after listening to a message that someone had left me.  They told me that they had shared "my story" with someone that day at lunch.  As is my nature, I was mortified.  MY story?  WHAAAAT?  What is the big deal about me, about my story, that someone would want to share it?  How embarrassing.  Wait, they wasted time talking about ME?!?! Oh, goodness, WHYYYYYYY?   (As you can tell, I don't need enemies - I am my worst!  ;))

Let's get this out of the way - I am nobody special.  I am no big deal.  I am not famous.  I am not great and powerful (shh.... don't tell my students).  I don't have money.  I cannot give to the poor.  I am not a famous writer.  I can't sing (although that doesn't stop me in the car or shower, lol).  I am not a great inventor.  Most days I don't really feel like I have done anything great or important.  Why would someone want to tell MY story?

My story includes rough, tough times, but my story DOESN'T include a quitter!

Everyone has a story.  This is SO true, but what makes my story special is that it is mine!  That is what makes it special!  Nobody else has MY story.  Nobody else has experienced MY experiences, cried MY tears, or felt MY joys and heartaches.  Nobody else has lived MY story.  Maybe I should be honored that someone wants to tell "my story".

The more I got to thinking about this (after the feelings of mortification that someone would waste time talking about me let up), I started to get concerned.  If someone is going to "share my story", am I living a life that is worthy of them sharing? I don't want my story to be something that is shared with pity, but I also don't want my story to be shared, giving me accolades that are not due.

I have a story.  Of course my story started at birth - all of our stories do, obviously.  My story has some good and some bad childhood memories as most do.  My story includes some hard times.  My story includes an amazing half-brother that I was not allowed to know about until I was an adult (and then it was by accident and under duress that his existence was finally admitted).  My story includes my mom (one of my best friends ever), going to heaven about 12 years ago.  My story includes the loss of my friend... my love.... my rock.... my heart.... my sweet husband on February 11, 2013.  My story includes other losses, sadness, and pain that stay buried deep inside my heart.  My story includes tears cried in the quiet of the night when nobody is around.  My story includes days when getting out of bed is the last thing I think I can bear to do.  My story includes lessons learned (a lot of them the hard way).  My story includes the loss of friends that I love.  My story includes changes, some of the hard and painful.

My story, however, also includes GREAT things.  It includes happy memories to go with the losses. My story includes my salvation - mercy and grace so far beyond what I deserve.  My story includes the legacy left by my amazing mother who loved me unconditionally (and boy did she ever prove that one), cared for me, and was always there for me.  It includes an amazing ten years with a loving, giving, sacrificing, hard working, selfless husband. My story includes two amazing boys that were both given to me by God.  My story includes my family who loved and supported me though some dark times - true love!  My story includes an amazing family that I gained through my marriage to my love - an amazing sister-in-love, nieces, nephews, and lots of others that make my life sweeter and better.  My story includes rocking my 4-year-old to sleep each night and getting to sing and pray with him.  My story includes the joy of watching my sweet little boy reach milestones that medically should be impossible.  My story includes lots of "yuv u momma" moments from my littlest.  My story includes having a reason, a purpose, to get up and face each day.  My story includes hope.  My story includes that fact that I am too stubborn to quit.

My story includes so much more than can be written in mere words.  What matters the most is that I want to make sure my story is worthy of being told.  My story is my life - it is not just words on paper that can be crumpled up and thrown away and started over.  It is my story - my reality.  I want to make it matter.

I want my life to be a story worth telling.


  1. I love reading your blog so much! I love reading even more the more and more I know you. I LOVE learning more and more of your story and it makes me love YOU even more! You are such an amazing friend and I am so blessed to be a small part of "your story." :-)

  2. Your story is what makes you so real, my velveteen rabbit friend. I miss you so much. We need to talk soon.
