
Saturday, June 14, 2014

He calls me Momma...

He calls me momma.
He has energy that makes the Energizer Bunny look slow.  
A year ago he was unsteady on his feet, but now it's hard to slow him down as he tries to run everywhere.
A year ago his vocabulary mainly consisted of the sound "buh", but now he chatters up a storm - often in a language of his own, but sure that I understand every word.
He is my angel - my gift from God.
He is an overcomer - my inspiration to never quit.
In his short, four years of life he has been through battles, but he faces each day with a smile that is infectious and charming.
He doesn't let his disabilities or challenges stop him - they actually seem to inspire him to try harder.  And try he does!

He calls me momma.
He wraps his little arms around my neck, pulling me in for a "Ug, Momma, ug" (hug, Momma, hug).
He puckers his lips for kisses, laughing joyously when kisses are granted.
Ah, his laugh.... an indescribable delight that brightens the darkest moment.
He loves adventure, calling "ook, momma, ook" (look, momma, look).
He loves to snuggle.
He loves to dance.
He loves music and is learning to "sing". (well, that's what we call it)
He loves books and will demand anyone who is willing to "weed it" (read it).
He is my example to keep going- when he falls, he gets right back up!

He calls me momma.
God gave him to me when the darkness of life threatened to swallow me whole.
He is my priceless gift.
He lights up my life like the brightest lantern shining in the night.
He renewed a spark of joy in my heart that I wasn't sure was still there.
He gives my days purpose.... meaning.

He calls me momma.
He is my heart.

I love you, Gabriel, to the moon and back....forever!

1 comment:

  1. I love this sweet little boy so much and words cannot describe how much you two fit together like puzzle pieces and how God orchestrated you two together in His perfect timing. :-) Thank you for allowing God to use you in amazing ways in this little boy's life, and I am so thankful he is in yours. :-)
