
Sunday, June 15, 2014

The gift of emotions?!

(Disclaimer:  :) For those of you who read my posts, please understand that my blog is a place for me to write about my thoughts, feelings, or whatever crosses my mind.  Some posts might be "great" and other posts might be boring, choppy, emotionally driven, or just plain boring.  I apologize in advance for this being one of those...)

I feel very down/emotional tonight.  Maybe it is because I am just thoughtful...maybe even tired.  So much has gone on this year... a lot of changes.  Friends lost, friends gained.  Disappointments.  Joys.  Trials.  Truimphs.  Yes, some good and, yes, some bad.  Sometimes I let my thoughts and emotions run away with me.  For me, as my own worst enemy, this is not always good.  Sometimes when I feel emotional I become critical of myself.  I start thinking about my inadequacies, my faults, my failures.  I start thinking of the people I feel like I have let down.  I start thinking of the millions of ways I should be better at a million different things.  I start wondering about the ways I can, or should, be a better parent.  I start questioning myself as a friend.  Nope, I am pretty sure I do not need enemies - I am my worst!
So as I sit here tonight, I am filled with these random thoughts and emotions and just generally feeling down and I read this as I started my devotions: 
"What would it be like to live in a world void of vibrant colors? Imagine for a moment that everything was black, white, and matte grey. The sky. The trees. The animals. Not just everyone around you, but even you. Without color, we’d miss out on the royal blues and purples that paint the sky as the sun melts into the horizon. We’d never experience the fluorescent shades of tropical birds or fish. The beauty of spring blossoms would be muted. Life would lose its vibrancy, the delight that comes with its diverse and beautiful expressions. Such a scene makes us grateful for all the hues that God has given us. 
Now imagine for a moment a world void of emotion. Like a world without color, one without emotion would lack the delight and wonder that God intends. Without emotion, we couldn’t experience the delicate joy of holding a newborn baby in our arms. Apart from emotion, we wouldn’t savor the comfort of a tender embrace. Without emotions, we couldn’t respond in awe to a surprise given to us by those who love and know us best.
Indeed, one of the greatest gifts God has given us is our emotions. It’s no accident that God gives us the ability to feel a wide range of feelings from anticipation to joy. Just as color gives our world brightness and beauty, emotions give our lives feelings and unforgettable experiences. 
While you may be tempted to list a few emotions you wish you didn’t have such as anger or sadness, even those feelings are divine gifts meant to be celebrated. Why? Because God feels them too! Those emotions provide a glimpse into God’s heart, and it isn’t a mistake that you experience them."
Wow, kinda powerful way to look at things.  I  personally get so frustrated with myself and my emotions sometimes.  I never stopped to consider my emotions or the ability to HAVE emotions is actually a gift from God.  Don't get me wrong - I still don't like them, especially when I feel down.  It is refreshing though to be reminded that God not only is with me in the midst of and despite my emotions, but that he feels them too.

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