
Sunday, June 22, 2014

What defines us?

What defines us?  Maybe that question is better asked this way.  What do we LET define us?  Yes, another crazy thought running around the obstacle course I call my mind.  
I think most people let themselves be known (defined) by other things than who they really are.  What other people think of us should not define us.  Our circumstances should not define us.  There are things in life that are far outside of our ability to control them.  They should not define us.  Our financial status should not define us.  Our success or achievements should not define us.  
I remember so clearly my hubby telling Kyle that he needed to be careful because his character... his integrity.... is what people will know him for... how people will remember him.  
I agree.  I think our character - our integrity - does define us.  The way we talk defines us.  The way we treat others defines us.  Our morals and beliefs define us.  These things define us because they tell about our character.  They tell about our integrity.  
As I sat pondering this thought today, it was first and foremost in my mind that I want my character - my integrity - as a precious, cherished, loved, and adored daughter of our most amazing Heavenly Father be what defines me.  I am a child of God!   

It doesn't matter  what other people think of me.  I am a daughter of God.  It doesn't matter what my past contains.  I am a daughter of God.  It doesn't matter the hurts I have endured.  I can snuggle close in the arms of my Heavenly Father and let the cares and worries and hurts of this world slip away.  Remembering that I am the daughter of the Most High will keep my character and integrity where they need to be.  Remembering this keeps me focused. 

Proverbs 4:23 - Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.

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