
Friday, January 25, 2013

A Journey

What constitutes the beginning of a journey?  Is it a thought?  A plan?  The lift of your foot to take that first step? 

Then again, what exactly IS a journey?  Is it a trip?  A period of change?  An adventure?  Is it simply the process of growth?  Maybe it is all of the above.  Maybe it is open to the interpretation of the person taking the journey.  The one who has made that first step. 

Our journey has not involved travel to exciting cities with breathtaking views.  It has not involved sightseeing to grand and glorious landmarks.  Our journey has not involved passports and trips abroad.

Our journey has been a fight.  A struggle.  Our journey has involved traveling to hospitals and doctor's offices.  Our journey has involved medical procedures, tests, and scary surgeries.   Many complicated diagnoses have joined us on our journey.  Our journey has involved sleepless nights, tears, and uncertainty.  Many emotions have encompassed our journey - fear despite faith, worry despite wisdom, anxiety despite knowing the One who has the answers. 

Our journey has involved losing pretty much everything - car, home, etc.  But we have never lost each other.  We have never lost our love and our dedication to each other, our friendship, .... and our determination to never quit!!

Despite this, our journey has been on a road full of love and hope, cherished moments despite immeasurable sacrifices, and dedication despite broken dreams. 

Our journey is not and has not been an easy one; however, I have learned that no matter what my journey is, where my journey takes me, or even how I get to my destination - there is no other way I could travel on this journey without God by my side.  The one constant I have, despite all the uncertainty, fear, and frustration, is God. 

I decided to start blogging again in order to share our journey with others and also to serve as a reminder to myself that no matter what our journey or how difficult it is to lift my foot to take each step, I am still blessed far beyond what we deserve. 

As I begin writing about our journey I want to make it very clear - despite the hard times, the fears, the worry, the uncertainty, etc - I would do it all over again!  I would hold the hand of my love and take each step, each day, over and over again.  This journey is not about me.... it is about the One who makes it possible for me/us to take this journey. 

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