
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Be Still

I don't know how many times I have quoted the verse from Psalms 46:10, "Be still, and know that I am God". What incredibly good advice. I mean, goodness, I have given that exact advice to people. How easy is it to tell someone to just "be still" so that God can speak to them. I mean, we all know, how better for God to be able to talk to us, minister to us, bless us - all while we are "being still".

So, last night, I was talking to my bestest. She is such an inspiration to me and truly the person I can talk to about anything with the reassurance of unconditional love. (She has to love me...we know way too many secrets about each other!!)  Just kidding.  Anyway, she can speak volumes to my tendencies to ramble - my total ADD side - and loves me just the same.  We grew up together like sisters and she is an integral part of my life.

Anyway, so the topic came up about being "still" and we talked about it for a little bit. Well, when I logged onto her blog this morning, she had even blogged about it. Little did she know that the thought of being "still" has consumed my mind, heart, and spirit since last night. I started thinking about the logistics of truly being STILL. As easy as it is to spout the words, how many times are we really and truly still?

I got to thinking of times I would tell my son to be still and what I would expect of him. How would I expect him to respond? If my son were in danger and I said, "Kyle, BE STILL". I would expect him to STOP. I would expect him to LISTEN. I would expect his FULL, UNDIVIDED ATTENTION. I would not; however, expect him to say, "Oh, mom said to be still. What a good idea. I think at some point today I am going to just be still for a while". I would expect his immediate attention right then, right at that point. How many times do I make God's command to be still a matter of convenience?

How reckless to think that God expects any less of me... of us... than I would expect of my son.

I found a couple of verses today that spoke to me:

Proverbs 8:17 I love them that love me; And those that seek me diligently shall find me. (What better way to seek him, but by being still)

Jeremiah 29:13 And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart. (How much easier to seek him if we are being still!)

Needless to say, the being still concept hit me a little bit harder today after I put some thought into it. I am so grateful for the encouragement of my friend to put more thought into this great command!  God telling me to be still could actually be His protection from something that could harm me! 

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