
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Listen for the whispers

(a note I had written in my journal in 2012 - still so applicable for today!)

So, I have spent an extraordinary amount of time over the past few months reading several series of books by the author, Karen Kingsbury. One of my friends encouraged me to start reading these books since she was in the middle of the series herself. I must admit I have found myself completely wrapped up in the stories. I can relate to the story lines so often and on so many different levels. Above and beyond that, however, I have found myself with a renewed encouragement about my own personal relationship with God.

I have found myself lately looking for encouragement, uplifting, peace, and serenity. (any one of those would have sufficed!)  Now, let me be clear – when it all boils down to the reality of it all – I know the answers to finding peace. I know to look to the Lord for encouragement. I know the answers to all those kinds of questions. Now, I don’t mean I can sit and quote the Bible backwards and forwards.  No, I don’t know all of those great theological answers about God and life, although I am sure I should.  I don’t know near as much scripture from memory that I should.  I just mean that I know the logistics of “faith”. I know all about growing up in a Christian home where it was all about church, God, reaching the lost, and serving others. I know the importance of “hiding God’s word in our hearts”. I know that we are supposed to be at church when the doors are open. I know all about giving and tithing.
I have really struggled lately with focusing on how I am not being encouraged and uplifted. (Ah, I am the QUEEN of pity parties, let me tell you!!!)  I can easily sit and tell you about my moments that I am lacking peace and serenity (pity party, phase II). I can tell you in a heartbeat a few specific details relating to specific circumstances that have me quite discouraged. I can even point fingers at some specific people who I have allowed to contribute to my discouragement. Yep, it might be my choice – but I am quick to tell you that it is all their fault. (yes, in my pity filled moments, I am sure that made perfect sense!)

Well, in the midst of my seeking, searching, reading and quiet times I had a rather huge “moment” hit me (OHH, maybe God threw that proverbial brick after all!!!). Anyway, I was reading and one of the characters in my book was going through a difficult time. Quite frankly she had found out her precious baby was not going to live. Long story short – she realized that she needed to find the answers in the “whispers of God”.

Whispers of God???? Just think about it – - – The. Whispers. of. God. !!! WOW!Incredible…..all of a sudden it just seemed to make sense. I have wanted so often for God to yell at me…. scream at me…. throw that brick through the window with a letter tied around it telling me what to do…. fly a plane with a banner behind it telling me the answers to my questions. Never, not once, did I think about listening for God in the whispers.  The soft breeze on a hot day.  The sweet lady that says, “God bless you” when you hold the door for her.  The encouraging song on the radio.  Your teenage son saying, “Momma, I love you”.  What if these things are just simple ways that God is whispering to you?  When you start to think about all the ways God can whisper to us it becomes an amazing reality!

I have decided that I am going to try harder to listen for God’s whispers!

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