
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Day 76 update on Mark

I hate seizures!  This is a rather newfound hate for me.  And yes, I am fully aware that hate is not a nice word and we should not hate things - there ARE exceptions to that rule!  As with many things recently, this is one thing I never thought we'd be dealing with.  I am being told that seizures can be common after one brain surgery... much less three brain surgeries.

As things seemed to be taking the proverbial "two steps backwards" dance, we (doctors, nurses, me...) found ourselves puzzled at some of the strange signs and symptoms (and lack of progress) that Mark was having.  Although we did not have a lot of responsiveness, the responsiveness that we did have took a major nosedive and we really could not even get Mark to open his eyes. 

Anyway, to make a long story..... not as long.... Mark is having seizures.  A lot.  Almost constantly.  He was on one seizure medicine already.  They added another.  Still seizing.  Added another.  Still seizing.  Gave few injections of another medicine...... Yep, still seizing.   Mark's seizures are not the kind that make his body flail or really jerk around, although he will have an occasional spasm.  His seizures are all in his brain.  They are making his recovery incredibly more difficult and challenging! 

Mark has been re-sedated and they will continue to increase the sedation until the seizure activity stops (hopefully).  This will (hopefully) give the 3 seizure medicines that he is now on, time to start working.  Once they don't see seizure activity on his EEG (which is constantly recording and being monitored 24/7 right now), then they will start to back off on his sedation in hopes that the seizures are under control.  This is the plan anyway.  The doctor said that sometimes this can be a difficult process (seriously, I rolled my eyes when she said this and said "go figure!!" LOL). 

Mark does continue to be running fevers and they are not completely sure why so of course the IV antibiotics are running. 

We continue to wait... and pray... and wait.... and pray. 


For all who have asked, there is a fund set up to help with Mark's medical bills, rehab, and the things he will need as he recovers (and this list seems to grow each day). 
The link is   Donations can also be made via paypal under the email address of  Thanks as always for your love, prayers and support!

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