
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Day 79 update on Mark

The past few days have been a bit more tense... and stressful.

The doctors have been watching the EEG monitor 24/7 (and seizure medication levels in the blood) to see if Mark's brain seemed to be resting enough to slow or stop his seizures.   Mark has been having the worst kind of seizures - the kind that are continuous and never stop.  He has been given the past 48 hours for his brain to rest.  Today the process started of lowering the sedation medications VERY slowly, watching the EEG to see whether or not the seizure activity increased again.  This is a slow process and not much progress was made today as far as actually lowering the medication.  It might take a day or two before we know if this works or not, but right now it is iffy. 

The reality of Mark's situation is very grave.  If this process that they are doing right now does not work then they will most likely try one other thing as a last resort, which is to put Mark completely in a coma and literally stop his brain function.  Their hope is that this would help to reset his brain.  Again, this would be a last resort measure, so if it did not work there are no other options. 
We continue to hold onto hope and have faith that God will work a miracle - knowing whatever happens, Mark is in God's hands. 

PLEASE, as you pray so faithfully for Mark, keep Kyle in prayer as well.  Although Kyle was able to visit with his dad and I a couple of weeks ago (right before his brain surgeries), it is incredibly difficult for him to be so far away in Japan while his dad is fighting for his life. 

As always, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your continued love, prayers, and support during this time. 

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