
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Day 82 update on Mark

Where hope would otherwise become hopelessness, it becomes faith.  ~Robert Brault
Well ,the hours between day 81 and day 82 haven't brought much in the way of news or new things to share.  My sleeping beauty (the male version, of course) still sleeps.  I don't think that fairy tale stuff is true at all because I have tried kissing him and he does not wake up! 
Anyway, lowering Mark's sedation is at a bit of a standstill right now.  The Epileptologist (seizure doctor) was not happy with some of the activity on the EEG and chose to slow down lowering the sedation even more.  He has been at the current level of sedation for 24 hours and there aren't any orders right now to lower it, so we wait.....
If God is trying to teach me the "art of waiting" then I hope I learn it soon!!!   
I did speak with a neurologist this morning.  This was a new doctor for Mark, so he and I spent about an hour going over Mark's medical history and discussing his recent brain hemorrhage/surgeries.  The neurosurgeon team will most likely transfer Mark's care over to the neurology doctors because from a surgical standpoint he is stable.  From a neurological standpoint there is a lot of concern, of course.  There are no easy, quick answers and nobody can, of course, tell us what is going to happen.  We do know how things look, which is not good.   Although it is easy to feel like there is no hope for this to turn around, I refuse to give up on hope!  Until there is NO hope... there is hopeThe doctors will see how things go, but the reality is that without a huge miracle we are running out of medical interventions and options. 
Mark remains on the ventilator for breathing support because of the sedation and the injury to the brain.  The right side of his skull that was removed is....... in the freezer (why does that sound so funny to me...) and will be placed back surgically at a much later date. 
Now I am going offline to spend time cherishing some hand-holding moments with my love. 
Thank you for your continued love, prayers, and support during this time. 

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