
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Day 84, morning update on Mark

His strength is perfect when our strength is gone;
He’ll carry us when we can’t carry on.
Raised in His power, the weak become strong;
His strength is perfect, His strength is perfect.

I am so glad that when I can't find my strength, His is there for me... and that it's perfect.  Last night was pretty uneventful, which in some regards is good (especially for the nurses).  Two of Mark's seizure medicines had been increased and they had stopped lowering his sedation, so he really did not have much in the way of seizure activity.  

Now we are back on track for finishing the process of lowering the sedation.  Once the sedation is lowered then they will have to start the process of trying to lower the seizure medications.  Although this is the process that needs to be taken to see if the seizures have been controlled, there is a LOT more medically going on than just seizures.  Stopping the seizures does not mean that things are "good" or that Mark has suddenly recovered.  It is just the beginning of a long process. 

The neurosurgeons have turned Mark's care over to the neurology doctors because there is nothing left from a surgical standpoint to be done.  This doesn't really effect us... it just means different doctors. 

All of this being said, we are at a very rough spot.  The likelihood of recovery (without a miracle) for Mark is getting slimmer and slimmer.  This doesn't mean I am without hope for a miracle, it just means that I cannot be deluded to the reality of where we are medically.  The neurologist this morning was very honest and did say that he is not very optimistic about the outcome of this.

My heart is so sad, but I truly do know that Mark's miracle might not happen here on earth, but it will be a miracle for him none the less.  It doesn't make this any less difficult for me though.  My heart breaks for my boy too, who is so far away in Japan.  He is the light of his daddy's eye and truly his friend and his heart is breaking over what is going on with his daddy.  It is horrible for me that I cannot "kiss it and make it better" for him or  "fix it" and make it all ok. 

Mark is in God's hands......... so are Kyle and I. 

Thank you for the love, prayers, and support during this time. 

Teri H.

Donate to Mark's Medical Fund here!!

1 comment:

  1. Such sweet, precious thoughts, Teri.
    Yes, you are all in God's hands.
    Thanks for sharing your journey with us.
    As a family, we are praying for you.
